100% of YOUR half…

Happy Sunday Beautiful Souls!

Let us start by taking a few deep intentional breaths together, as we anchor in to the Truth of our being. The power of our breath is a direct correlation to the same power and presence of the ONE living and Loving God. Whether we make a conscious choice to acknowledge this presence and power is up to us as individualized expressions of God incarnate.

How’s your heart? What’s coming up for you in the way of emotions? Memories? How is your digestive system impacting your body? Are you hydrating? What are the foods, music, programming, etc. that you are consuming? Are you constantly tired/fatigued, or do you feel connected with optimal health?

These are some questions we can use to check in with ourselves on a daily basis.

Now, to dive into the nitty gritty of the title above…

“The Mastery Of Love” By: Don Miguel Ruiz is a life changing book that will have you reevaluating all you once thought you knew about Love, its perceptions, and the ways in which we as individuals show up in Love. For many years, beginning with my childhood I felt responsible for the happiness and well being of others, especially as it pertained to their mental and emotional welfare. As a society in general we are taught if you Love me you’ll do this or that. If you Love me you will do my part, and ease my suffering. If you Love me you will put me first and yourself on the back burner. If you Love me you wouldn’t leave me to do this or that alone. If you Love me you’d understand why I am the way I am. And the list goes on…

The TRUTH is; we are all individually responsible for ourselves, our own welfare – emotionally and mentally, our own healing, and our own relationship with SELF and God. So often we are looking for our spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, child, friend, etc. to do our part for us. We are constantly looking for another to “have our backs,” when in actuality we don’t have our own backs. We have grown accustomed to wanting others to put in the work for us because we feel inadequate. I am here to remind us all that nothing about us is inadequate, we are created whole and complete with absolutely nothing missing.

To live a heart centered/God Loving life means to put your needs above all others; and yes that will be labeled and judged by others as selfish or as I have been called; narcissistic. I was recently reminded that most humans want to be taken care of, and the moment you refuse to do someone else’s part you are no longer of value and or importance to them. And on top of that they will easily forget all the good you’ve ever done for them, and will say things like you don’t Love me, because if you did then XYZ. This is a sad Truth we all must face in order for us to have true freedom and dominion over ourselves, and our lives.

I encourage you all today to pause and take a few minutes to reevaluate/meditate/journal your interpersonal relationships and the ways in which you are showing up for yourself and others. What is your WHY? Are you doing XYZ for others out of fear? Out of abandonment? Out of seeking external validation? Out of thinking you must do for others so they “Love” you. This is not Love, this is manipulation at its finest.

My reminder to each and everyone of you is this…you come into this world bare bottomed in every sense of the word, and you will leave the same exact way. What we do in between DOES matter, and it is up to you to choose the life you truly desire. Continue to remain open, ask questions, do your own research, and continuously show up in Love especially when it doesn’t make sense. Stop living so much in your head, and enter your heart where it is warm and tender. The sacred path of the warrior knows their heart will be shattered time and time again, and continues on Loving in spite of, because of, knowing this is where Freedom remains.

I Love each and everyone of you!

Yours Truly,

Rachael Rose