“Love is a Fire”

Drawing the mind back…drawing it back to Love.

I am Listening…

Blessings Family!

Taking a few moments to pause, rest, release, and reset…how’s your heart? What are you observing? What is presently presenting itself to you? What is seeking to be emerged? How can you show up in healthier more Loving ways for yourself?

Life and emotions came rushing in, or so that seemed to be the case. I recently received some interesting news that in full transparency was not so shocking, however what was shocking and jarring was the pull it had on me. At this point in my life I am not jarred by much, however I am seeing how past pains come and creep in from time to time. What I noticed and observed was anger came creeping in and slowly began to suffocate my airways. As much of a communicator I am, I was stricken by fear, and lots of it. The fear of the past repeating itself. The fears of repeating the same cycles that I have worked so hard to break. The fear of being left because of the emotional pain that in seasons resurfaces for me.

And then God reminded me through my partner that I am held, and that God is not ever going anywhere. My partner reminded me last night that SHE also isn’t going anywhere, and boy what reassurance that was for me, those words that I so desperately didn’t know I needed to hear.

The shared information that I received almost felt like a dagger to the heart, and after some hours had past I realized how hurt I was. I realized how not ok I was in those moments. Usually I am able to process my feelings, thoughts, etc. in the moment, however that was not the case with this scenario. Today is the first day that I haven’t cried on and off all day, and although the day is young the thickness of the pain has left.

I am sharing with you all in hopes that you may become a little more aware of all that is occurring in the background of your heart, Spirit, body, and emotions. Many of us for so long have repressed, suppressed, and pushed aside all that has been revealing itself to us. All throughout the days we receive signs, signals, and direction…are we open and available to listen?

The title; “Love is a Fire” is not only a phenomenal book, it is also a powerful metaphor for life. Love, pure and true is meant to burn away all lies, and wash away all impurities of the mind. For only fear can take hold of us first in the mind and then spread like wild fire. As I type these words, as God as my witness I am here choosing Love to be the thing itself that burns and washes away all lies!

Wherever you are in your day, journey, path, season…this too shall pass. God/Love is with us expressing Itself through you and me, AND we are responsible and accountable for our lives and the choices we make.

Holding you all in my heart and Prayer while Affirming the Truth!

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose

Inner Child, Letter 18

Grand Rising Family,

Taking a few deep breaths in this moment with each of you, as you are me, and I am you. One Divine mind, One Divine heart, and One Divine Consciousness that we all have access to. Spirit before I begin, please let us thank you in this moment for all you offer us in every single moment in the ways of Love, Peace, and Grace.

How’s your heart? Taking a few moments to check in with yourself…scanning the heart, the physical body, and the mental & emotional bodies. There is no rush, this is the PRACTICE of sitting with yourself to observe and be the Loving witness.

As for me I am eternally grateful to have the heart and level of awareness that I do, and it continues to grow and expand. My heart is widening, and deepening, and in full transparency it is quite painful and excruciating in moments. What I have been leaning into through this season of discomfort and lessons is KNOWING the pain and challenges and lessons have been and are truly for my greatest and best and highest expression of life. Not always do I want to hear this or acknowledge this in said moment, I am human and the human does not in joy feeling sad or sitting with heartache. And that is A OK! For me, sitting with this heart of mine that does ache greatly in moments is also the alchemy of Gods goodness, so how could I ever not welcome it. In fact I do welcome these great inner awakenings and changes.

Here is the thing about Loving unconditionally the way that God Loves us…it is truly unfathomable. As I continue to learn to Love in brand new ways I am also sitting with grieving someone who I thought would be apart of my life in the physical for the duration of my life. And one thing about God/Spirit is when something needs to be removed it will be, for both parties. And this shit ain’t easy, in fact it’s quite gruesome and sad. What I rest in and find comfort in is knowing I am being led and held and guided. What I have come to deeply innerstand about myself is that my Love is not based upon the current, previous, or future position I may or may not hold with someone as it pertains to them being apart of my life.

As I continue on my path I am carrying my little one with me in all the ways I possibly can. I get to show her how safe she actually is because of the environment I am choosing to create for us. Life continues on and although pain is painful and grief is thick, neither of them stop JOY from entering into my REALITY and experience.

Wherever you find yourself I this moment may you know how deeply Loved, valued, cherished, and seen you are. God is no respecter of persons and is always with you, always!

With all of my Love,

Rachael Rose