The Art of Listening…

Bless Bless Bless God/Jah/Love!

How’s your heart? Your mind? Your physical body temple? Checking in with SELF as often as necessary is at the tippy top of the list. We must continue to learn how to connect and reconnect with ourselves in order to deeply listen to our own inner voice and guidance. “The voice of God,” By: Dante Bowe. A song I often listen to that has be sent to many others throughout the past several years. Take a listen and give yourself permission to really listen beyond the lyrics, and let me know your heartfelt resonation.

Are you listening?

I started this particular blog May 24th, today’s date is now June 16th; almost a month later…

Here is what I have learned:

  1. God has me in such a unique space
  2. I am exactly where I need to be, not always where I want to be (in certain areas of my life)
  3. My Love life is flourishing and thriving unlike ever before – there’s a huge difference in being in a relationship; relating to someone and being in an actual REAL/TRUE partnership
  4. I am much more willing and open than ever before
  5. Communication is truly the KEY
  6. I stopped looking to a parent figure to heal parts of my childhood
  7. Money is a powerful tool/resource, however LOVE is the most powerful of them all
  8. I am much more of a homebody than I would’ve admitted
  9. God is so REAL it leaves me speechless, and yet I often have so much to say and share on the topic – I mean what is there to actually speak about without mentioning the intelligence of The One
  10. Love continues to open me; I am attracting all the beings God needs me to see and experience

This title; the Art of Listening – oh what learnings we can take away from one simple conversation when we take the position of listening without the need to respond, react, or engage. The pure unfiltered art of listening. The sounds beyond and beneath the silence. Are you listening?

Lately, I have been sitting back and listening to the thoughts I observe, to my partner, and those I am blessed to interact with. I see the beauty and also the deep sadness. I see the miracles and also the tragedies. I hear the screams and also the shrieks of silence. I know Love leads the way especially when it presents as the last option. Lately, I have been being and in full transparency that hasn’t “seemed” to be quite enough.

I observe since being back in the states there’s more of an emphasis on money and doing, and so I am having to sit and listen and balance – the sacred dance of balancing ones thoughts, dreams, emotions, and daily activities. I also observe how open I truly am to life and all its offerings, I find myself to be quite remarkable and that feels wonderful to acknowledge and say about myself. What a ways I have come regarding my self talk and admiration; God is always at work. “Don’t quit before the miracle.” I used to judge myself all of the time, every little thing would be catastrophic in my head – Thank GOD that changed!

I could go on and on and one day I will write about it all…

Until then, I Love you and I am here to remind you this:

God/Spirit/Love is right where you are AS YOU ARE! You are perfect as you are, and you are worthy of Love, grace, kindness, compassion, and joy. The best is yet to come. You are never ever alone – especially in the darkest of times. Keep that chin held high and know you are being cheered on.

Radical Love,

Rachael Rose

The Power of Connection…

Blessings Family!

How’s your heart? What’s present for you in this moment? Whatever your answer(s) take a moment and receive a few cycles of breath, our reminder that life is alive and well. Wherever you are in this now moment God/Love is right there with you.

What a few days it has been over here on this side of the world. With all the current happenings and goings on, now is always the time to start and/or begin again with your spiritual practices. What do I mean by this? Let me explain…

Nowadays we toss around terms so loosely and often times don’t even know what they mean for us the individual. So let’s start with the term Spirit – in this thing we call Spirit, I am referring to the invisible thread that tethers us all together, the thing Itself that we all innately come from. The perfect idea and iteration of who and what we are outside and beyond this earthly realm. Who we all were and are prior to incarnating into this human physical vessel. Next the word practice – to repeat a specific action for the benefit of being disciplined, healthy, aware, connected, and tapped into oneself. To perform something regularly in order to exemplify one’s best. So now we have these two words; Spiritual Practice(s)…how to apply practicing our own unique Spiritual Practices to our unique individualized world?

First let us remember that God IS personal to you and your own life and unique experiences to life, however we are not our experiences. We are the one experiencing the experience while also being the observer of the one who is experiencing it. Your relationship to and with the Divine is very personal which is why I will always encourage individuals to have their own unique innerstanding with God (the higher power of their understanding). No one can tell you how to connect with the God of your understanding, just as the saying goes, “you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.”

Back to our two words…Spiritual Practices; for many of us these terms have been lost in translation and/or the broad stream of society’s overuse of the coined “Spirituality” as some type of fad or trend. Yes, please LET US START TRENDING GOD! And then what happens when the trend fades away? This is where Practice comes into play.

We must learn how to develop our Spiritual muscles by practicing daily those things we know work for us. And if you are just now learning what works for you this is phenomenal, keep up the great inner work and inner inquiry of exploring what is working and what is not.

The current time is 3:16a, the relevance and timing of God will always be unmatched and beyond explanation and logic. Yesterday, my wife and I we at the vet when we met another woman. For me, the encounter was Divine in an extra special way. In the past few days I had two encounters that spoke to me directly about using the word God and some iteration of their interpretation of other people not feeling comfortable to talk about God or their Spiritual connection to and with The Divine.

Through the power of connection we are reminded how powerful we are through Love. Love being the greatest and most powerful force there is and ever will be, we get to Practice (there goes that P word again) in any and all ways the art of LOVING. I have come to Know that life is all about practicing who WE TRULY ARE IN LOVE. Life is about deeply innerstanding who we are as the individual expression of God and how we somehow tether and all fit together in this wild web of weaving our humanity with our Divinity.

May this blog meet you right where you are. May you know you are Loved, cherished, held, guided, and known in the heart and mind of The Divine. May you know Grace is sufficient for any and every part of your journey. And may you learn to be so radically gentle and tender with yourself that you begin to weep at the sight of a flower, a rose bush, a bird flying in the sky, a raindrop kissing your skin, etc.

Tenderness, joy, vulnerability, and radically Loving are a few of my superpowers…what are yours?

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose

“You can’t rush your healing”

Blessings Family!

Per usual checking in…how’s your heart? What is the mind observing? How’s your nervous system? Is there anything you can offer yourself in this moment to support your overall well-being?

As I type these questions I am asking myself these very same things. As of late my emotions have been pretty high and not as consistent as I would like, however I am so grateful to have awareness. My goodness, what a game changer awareness is to our lives. Awareness offers us the opportunity to make a different choice(s) in said moment and by doing so we begin the process of rewiring our neuropathways offering cellular levels of healing to take place.

Currently I am sitting in the sun receiving its healing properties, warmth, and gentle reminder of how all-consuming God is.

The last two weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions, all-consuming thoughts, and the constant (daily) choice(s) of choosing Peace, Love, Compassion, and my overall well-being (specifically my mental health). As I approach each day I am doing so with the fullness of my heart, and that was not always the case. For many years I was stricken with the perception that my mind would never be well, nor would I be able to deeply innerstand my emotional disposition let alone bandwidth and capacity. Through patience, practice, and consistency you can heal and have new experiences outside of your own neurosis, suffering, and trauma.

My message to you is this…stay the course, your course that is. Yes, it is important to listen when you are guided to listen and move when you are guided to move, however remaining open and willing will be key game changers in experiencing joy and healing. Many will project their own perceived fears and inadequacies on you, please know what God has placed upon you and in you can never be taken away nor altered by another. What’s written in the stars will forever and always be written. God is no respecter of persons, meaning this beautiful Loving Presence doesn’t have chosen people, we have all been chosen by Love.

Choose YOU, God is choosing you always in all ways.

I Love you all, and my Prayers in the Affirmative state are knowing and seeing Peace, Love, and Joy at the forefront of all our lives and dispositions.

Love is the greatest force we have, let us continue to tap into the Divine Intelligence that God IS.

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose

“Love is a Fire”

Drawing the mind back…drawing it back to Love.

I am Listening…

Blessings Family!

Taking a few moments to pause, rest, release, and reset…how’s your heart? What are you observing? What is presently presenting itself to you? What is seeking to be emerged? How can you show up in healthier more Loving ways for yourself?

Life and emotions came rushing in, or so that seemed to be the case. I recently received some interesting news that in full transparency was not so shocking, however what was shocking and jarring was the pull it had on me. At this point in my life I am not jarred by much, however I am seeing how past pains come and creep in from time to time. What I noticed and observed was anger came creeping in and slowly began to suffocate my airways. As much of a communicator I am, I was stricken by fear, and lots of it. The fear of the past repeating itself. The fears of repeating the same cycles that I have worked so hard to break. The fear of being left because of the emotional pain that in seasons resurfaces for me.

And then God reminded me through my partner that I am held, and that God is not ever going anywhere. My partner reminded me last night that SHE also isn’t going anywhere, and boy what reassurance that was for me, those words that I so desperately didn’t know I needed to hear.

The shared information that I received almost felt like a dagger to the heart, and after some hours had past I realized how hurt I was. I realized how not ok I was in those moments. Usually I am able to process my feelings, thoughts, etc. in the moment, however that was not the case with this scenario. Today is the first day that I haven’t cried on and off all day, and although the day is young the thickness of the pain has left.

I am sharing with you all in hopes that you may become a little more aware of all that is occurring in the background of your heart, Spirit, body, and emotions. Many of us for so long have repressed, suppressed, and pushed aside all that has been revealing itself to us. All throughout the days we receive signs, signals, and direction…are we open and available to listen?

The title; “Love is a Fire” is not only a phenomenal book, it is also a powerful metaphor for life. Love, pure and true is meant to burn away all lies, and wash away all impurities of the mind. For only fear can take hold of us first in the mind and then spread like wild fire. As I type these words, as God as my witness I am here choosing Love to be the thing itself that burns and washes away all lies!

Wherever you are in your day, journey, path, season…this too shall pass. God/Love is with us expressing Itself through you and me, AND we are responsible and accountable for our lives and the choices we make.

Holding you all in my heart and Prayer while Affirming the Truth!

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose

The Art of Loving Communication…

Blessings Family!

Currently at the airport in Lima awaiting my flight to America where I will be for the next several months. Before we begin let us check in with ourselves and see if anything is present.

How’s your heart? Is anything pressing Emotionally? Mentally? Spiritually?

I had to do the same thing for myself a short while ago which is what prompted this post. I have found there’s such beauty and grace in checking in with myself especially when I know and feel the twinge within. Most times I can readily identify what is going on within or what buttons are being pressed, and other times I need a bit to allow space and time for the emotions to settle and process.

I am so grateful to be where I am in my life particularly with the level of emotional intimacy and intelligence I have cultivated within. Now, this has not come easy nor has it come without bumps and bruises. Nonetheless here I am, and I am grateful for every step of the way. I recently finished co-hosting a 7-day retreat here in the sacred valley of Peru alongside my brother. Not only was it a wonderful experience it also revealed much to me about ME, what a blessing. During our week together much Loving communication was expressed while there were also many opportunities for me to practice Loving awareness through effective and Loving communication.

Whewwwww, what a life this is, what a blessing this life is, and what a revelation to know I am living in my Prayers. I made the choice to write this post because of the keen importance of Loving communication through expression, patience, kindness, and honor. And when I say honor I am referring to honoring myself, my needs, and my relationship with my partner. She and I have excellent communication, and even still we have moments where we are desiring rest, feeling emotional (usually me), or a sense of being overwhelmed is present.

I am honored to be apart of such a Divine union and connection and work of art that IS our Love story. The ways in which we are able to move through and navigate murky waters in moments is truly a testament to our Love – and what is most palpable is our respect for one another. Whether you are in a new relationship or have been with your person for fifteen plus years it is important to remember we will always be learning ourselves and our partners.

Something I started to ask myself a few years ago in my life was this; what is more important to me…being right or being listened to and understood. I do not care or wish to be right, however I do deeply desire to be honored, Loved, respected, and cared for in the most tender ways. And what I just described is exactly what we have been co-creating together. What I find isn’t often spoken about regarding relationships is how the two people communicate when challenge or discomfort or newness arises. Well, all of that is present here for us as we are integrating our lives in all the ways and we are holding nothing back.

This post is dedicated to my Lover, my best friend, and the one in which I get to learn and grow beside. Thank you for honoring this Love with me in all the ways we choose to daily.

Family, life is beautiful and precious, and also very delicate in many many moments. Practicing Loving awareness while communicating with your partner and/or Loved ones will make all the difference in your relationships.

Love is the answer.

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose

Thank YOU!

Welcome to this new day, new moment, new breath, and NEW YOU!

One of my most favorite things about life is how in an instant we can make a different choice. A choice that not only benefits us in healthy Loving manners, also a choice that is rooted in Love and our unique sovereignty.

Pausing for a moment to check in…how’s your heart? What do you observe in your mental body, emotional body, and physical body temple? Is there something that is needing to be expressed? Wherever you are in this moment, Love is meeting you with open arms!

I was reminded yesterday how God uses our uniqueness, our qwerks, our ism’s, the very things that make us uniquely US. Nothing is ever left out in the dark or in vein, and what a reminder this was and is for me. I simply want to say thank you! Thank you for my life. Thank you for my breath. Thank you for the revealing of TRUTH as to who I have always been in Love. I recall the days I only felt darkness within, and yes I did see the light at times, however I was so consumed with darkness and only interested in that, for this is where I felt most comfortable.

The thing about life and all its offerings is that we get to choose, we choose what we are interested in and the Universe responds to that very thing and we get to experience more and more and more of that said thing. So I pose the question…what are you interested in? Have you been an active participant in your healing? Have you been an active participant in your life? No matter the answer or where you may currently find yourself the real question is…are you willing? Are you willing to become for more interested in yourself and well-being?

There is no right or wrong answer. And there is absolutely no judgement as to what choices you choose to make that you feel s best for you. And also, there’s always room for growth and expansion.

God, I THANK YOU for it all. I thank you for my body, my mind, my emotions, my hearts posture, my willingness, my Love, and our relationship and communion with one another. I thank you for this precious gift of Love and life.

To those reading this…what are you thankful for?

With the entirety of my heart and soul,

Rachael Rose

Practice YOUR Practice…

Beautiful Day!

If for any reason at all you do not feel it is a beautiful day, that is ok, we can meet right where you are in this moment in time. I will affirm Truth that all is truly well in spite of any situation or circumstance.

God my God! What a wild and wondrous life this is! I am so so grateful, my goodness!

In this particular post it is my souls intention to encourage you to explore the depths of WHO YOU ARE!

“Practice YOUR Practice” – are you willing to explore new parts of yourself? Life is one continuous lesson in all your souls explorations. We have come here, incarnated in this human form to explore and soar. So again, are you willing? You don’t have to know the next step, all that is needed is your open heart and willingness to explore newness in your life.

I recall years ago when I was sitting on the edge of a dock near water while I was at the lowest point in my life (according to me), and God met me right there. I had all types of questions and I knew I was created for far more than I was expressing, living, and displaying as my life. I knew I had to make and create changes in my life, however I didn’t know where to begin or what to do. And so I started that day, and the next and the next, and so on. I started to create little some subtle changes in my life t

This is a Love I will cherish…

Blessings Beautiful Souls!

Coming to you in the wee hours of the rising, as it is 3:59a here in the Sacred Valley of Peru. Checking in with you and your heart and mind…what is currently present? What do you observe? What is asking to be released and let go of? What is seeking to emerge? What greatness are you withholding? How are you showing up in Love? What areas of your life are you withholding Love in your life for Self and your Loved ones?

A few questions to ponder and sit in Prayer and Contemplative Meditation.

As I mentioned I am currently back in the Sacred Valley of Peru, specifically Urubamba – where my brother, Tramon and I are hosting our first Rest and Restoration Retreat. This Retreat is a byproduct of patience, Trust, acceptance, and surrender. Tramon and I planned and mapped out this retreat last year and we quickly learned that was not the time or season for us to see this through. We remained faithful and knew that season would come, and here we are. I am sharing this with you because per usual I am being asked to Trust and Surrender to this unfathomable Love that will always leave me in shock, awe, and amazement. I constantly am in AWE of Gods grace and unwavering Love for me, this beautiful mind of mine, and all the ways I am learning, growing, and stretching.

“Your steadfast goodness, your Loving kindness. God is so much better, so much better, so much better. Can’t nobody Love me like you, you keep on giving me life.”

Song: Can’t Nobody; By: Housefires

I entitled this post “This is a Love I will cherish” for two reasons; one because Gods Love is the THING ITSELF that sustains me and all areas of my life. And secondly because of the Love I am receiving from God through my partner. The ways in which God and I have been tilling my soil, specifically speaking around my heart and finances – ONLY GOD! Constantly being cracked open more and more and more so that there’s only room and space for LOVE. Yesterday was challenging for me and what I learned from what I was moving through and what was moving through me is that God is TRULY NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS. Meaning, God does not waver with anyone, and is not one way in one moment and another way in a different season. God is not a withholding God, and this Presence does not know lack, or limitation.

Spirit, I cherish the connection we have, and although being a devotee presents many a new growing edges (seemingly daily) I am honored to choose this path and life. We are all chosen, ALL!

Wherever this blog post may find you in consciousness please know through the power of awareness, Affirmative Prayer, and Meditation you can and will change all areas of your life through the POWER OF PRACTICE. Being witnessed yesterday by all beings involved in this retreat especially as a facilitator was and is extremely powerful and liberating for me. God showed me how held I am in the midst of it all.

I simply wish to say THANK YOU.

With all my heart and soul,

Rachael Rose

Your Eyes…

Blessings Beautiful Beings!

What do you observe? What’s present in this moment? How’s your heart? Is anything pressing that you are ignoring? Take a few moments to check in with yourself! I am doing the same while also taking some deep intentional breaths with you.

This particular blog is dedicated to my Lover, my bestest buddy. “That’s my best friend Bro!”

What a wild ride life is, especially Love and all the intricacies that go along with Self-Love, Self-Care, Awareness, Accountability, Healing, etc. AND then you meet the one you have been in preparation for. What I knew in my heart and soul prior to meeting her was how differently I would be moving in all regards, as I could no longer deplete myself for what I was perceiving Love was. I had no expectations of a relationship anywhere in my near future as I made a pact with myself to really focus on building my business that really needed my Love and attention.

There’s something quite magical about standing in what you know you have always wanted, needed, and deserved.

As each day passes and I grow in Love with myself and life’s offerings I am left only to Thank God for my life and all the experiences I have had. Now, I do recognize many of those experiences were often manipulated by me in order to force something into happening the ways in which I wanted them to. Last night before traveling I said to her, wow what a difference in life when you let go and allow God to guide your steps. Moving and being from my Heart as opposed to the mind. Although my mind is brilliant and I Thank God for it I also would much rather live from this hearts posture as I know it is aligned with The Divine, and well the mind is always being treated with The Truth.

Sometimes life throws you a monkey wrench, and during those times you may question everything, and I am learning that is quite natural for the human being. There’s a song I have been listening to that speaks to God being with us always…in the Heavens and the depths of the valleys. No matter where you choose to make your bed, God will meet you. Well, God has met me in the Heavens after years and years and years of turmoil, suffering, learning, unlearning, healing, re-learning, letting go of more and more I thought I released (and then released it again), and so on and so forth. Life is continuous, just as our healing journeys. Love is also healing and continuous as I could only ever physically manifest this Love to the degree in which I chose to Love and honor myself. God showed me all the ways I had not been honoring my highest self, and after seeing and feeling so much, I was faced with myself yet again. I chose ME, GOD, and what I knew I needed. And then you walked into my life!

People often say the most unexpected things in life are the ones that change you forever, well Mel Faye you have changed me forever.

My prayer for all peoples is they know a Love such as ours, so pure and kind and filled with honor, commitment, respect, passion, sensuality, fire, Divine expression, and full freedom of expression while honoring our Sovereign nature and being.

That’s it, that’s all for now!

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose

Closer than the breath I breathe…

Blessings Beautiful Souls!

Welcome to this new moment, this new day, this new breath…

A song I have been listening to entitled “Closer” by Maverick City says God is closer than the breath we breathe and closer than the thoughts we think; and THANK GOD FOR THIS!

Before we continue let us take a moment to check in…breathing in through the nose and out through the nose or mouth, deep intentional belly breaths. What do you notice? What do you observe? What feelings/emotions are present? We are Loving awareness, no room or space for shame, guilt or judgement. Now take a few more breaths from this renewed space. Any shifts? Simply observe and continue to take the seat of being an explorer of Love and Self, continue to go within. You have the power to change anything you wish/desire!!!

God is closer than we know, it is our very lives! I stated last year entering into 2024 that I was going to talk about God more, and I have kept my word and promise. It’s the only “thing” I wish to talk about these days, for if we are not recognizing the THING ITSELF, what are we actually talking about? We are asking for more God…more of your power, more of your Spirit, more of your glory! Lead us. Guide us. Speak to us. ARE YOU WILLING TO LISTEN?

I said the other day I recognize I have a past, and also my past has no indicative notion of what’s in front of me! “Let your pleasure be known and felt!” Fill the room God, in all the ways, in all the things, in all the people.

I am elated to walk this walk and continue to choose the PATH THAT HAS AND CONTINUES TO CHOOSE ME. Holy Spirit, you are just that…HOLY/WHOLLY.

Wow, what a life. Do you wish/desire to change something in your life? If so, you must first change it within your mind…you must first see it in your consciousness before it will manifest in the physical. Are you willing to change your ways of thinking? Are you willing to have uncomfortable conversations with yourself and your Loved ones? Are you willing to exit your small mind in order to enter the kingdom of The Divine Mind?


Liberation for ALL peoples of all creeds, sexual orientation, language, religion, geographic location, etc.


I Love you all with the entirety of all that is within…GOD!

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose