The Art of Loving Communication…

Blessings Family!

Currently at the airport in Lima awaiting my flight to America where I will be for the next several months. Before we begin let us check in with ourselves and see if anything is present.

How’s your heart? Is anything pressing Emotionally? Mentally? Spiritually?

I had to do the same thing for myself a short while ago which is what prompted this post. I have found there’s such beauty and grace in checking in with myself especially when I know and feel the twinge within. Most times I can readily identify what is going on within or what buttons are being pressed, and other times I need a bit to allow space and time for the emotions to settle and process.

I am so grateful to be where I am in my life particularly with the level of emotional intimacy and intelligence I have cultivated within. Now, this has not come easy nor has it come without bumps and bruises. Nonetheless here I am, and I am grateful for every step of the way. I recently finished co-hosting a 7-day retreat here in the sacred valley of Peru alongside my brother. Not only was it a wonderful experience it also revealed much to me about ME, what a blessing. During our week together much Loving communication was expressed while there were also many opportunities for me to practice Loving awareness through effective and Loving communication.

Whewwwww, what a life this is, what a blessing this life is, and what a revelation to know I am living in my Prayers. I made the choice to write this post because of the keen importance of Loving communication through expression, patience, kindness, and honor. And when I say honor I am referring to honoring myself, my needs, and my relationship with my partner. She and I have excellent communication, and even still we have moments where we are desiring rest, feeling emotional (usually me), or a sense of being overwhelmed is present.

I am honored to be apart of such a Divine union and connection and work of art that IS our Love story. The ways in which we are able to move through and navigate murky waters in moments is truly a testament to our Love – and what is most palpable is our respect for one another. Whether you are in a new relationship or have been with your person for fifteen plus years it is important to remember we will always be learning ourselves and our partners.

Something I started to ask myself a few years ago in my life was this; what is more important to me…being right or being listened to and understood. I do not care or wish to be right, however I do deeply desire to be honored, Loved, respected, and cared for in the most tender ways. And what I just described is exactly what we have been co-creating together. What I find isn’t often spoken about regarding relationships is how the two people communicate when challenge or discomfort or newness arises. Well, all of that is present here for us as we are integrating our lives in all the ways and we are holding nothing back.

This post is dedicated to my Lover, my best friend, and the one in which I get to learn and grow beside. Thank you for honoring this Love with me in all the ways we choose to daily.

Family, life is beautiful and precious, and also very delicate in many many moments. Practicing Loving awareness while communicating with your partner and/or Loved ones will make all the difference in your relationships.

Love is the answer.

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose

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