Thank YOU!

Welcome to this new day, new moment, new breath, and NEW YOU!

One of my most favorite things about life is how in an instant we can make a different choice. A choice that not only benefits us in healthy Loving manners, also a choice that is rooted in Love and our unique sovereignty.

Pausing for a moment to check in…how’s your heart? What do you observe in your mental body, emotional body, and physical body temple? Is there something that is needing to be expressed? Wherever you are in this moment, Love is meeting you with open arms!

I was reminded yesterday how God uses our uniqueness, our qwerks, our ism’s, the very things that make us uniquely US. Nothing is ever left out in the dark or in vein, and what a reminder this was and is for me. I simply want to say thank you! Thank you for my life. Thank you for my breath. Thank you for the revealing of TRUTH as to who I have always been in Love. I recall the days I only felt darkness within, and yes I did see the light at times, however I was so consumed with darkness and only interested in that, for this is where I felt most comfortable.

The thing about life and all its offerings is that we get to choose, we choose what we are interested in and the Universe responds to that very thing and we get to experience more and more and more of that said thing. So I pose the question…what are you interested in? Have you been an active participant in your healing? Have you been an active participant in your life? No matter the answer or where you may currently find yourself the real question is…are you willing? Are you willing to become for more interested in yourself and well-being?

There is no right or wrong answer. And there is absolutely no judgement as to what choices you choose to make that you feel s best for you. And also, there’s always room for growth and expansion.

God, I THANK YOU for it all. I thank you for my body, my mind, my emotions, my hearts posture, my willingness, my Love, and our relationship and communion with one another. I thank you for this precious gift of Love and life.

To those reading this…what are you thankful for?

With the entirety of my heart and soul,

Rachael Rose

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