Closer than the breath I breathe…

Blessings Beautiful Souls!

Welcome to this new moment, this new day, this new breath…

A song I have been listening to entitled “Closer” by Maverick City says God is closer than the breath we breathe and closer than the thoughts we think; and THANK GOD FOR THIS!

Before we continue let us take a moment to check in…breathing in through the nose and out through the nose or mouth, deep intentional belly breaths. What do you notice? What do you observe? What feelings/emotions are present? We are Loving awareness, no room or space for shame, guilt or judgement. Now take a few more breaths from this renewed space. Any shifts? Simply observe and continue to take the seat of being an explorer of Love and Self, continue to go within. You have the power to change anything you wish/desire!!!

God is closer than we know, it is our very lives! I stated last year entering into 2024 that I was going to talk about God more, and I have kept my word and promise. It’s the only “thing” I wish to talk about these days, for if we are not recognizing the THING ITSELF, what are we actually talking about? We are asking for more God…more of your power, more of your Spirit, more of your glory! Lead us. Guide us. Speak to us. ARE YOU WILLING TO LISTEN?

I said the other day I recognize I have a past, and also my past has no indicative notion of what’s in front of me! “Let your pleasure be known and felt!” Fill the room God, in all the ways, in all the things, in all the people.

I am elated to walk this walk and continue to choose the PATH THAT HAS AND CONTINUES TO CHOOSE ME. Holy Spirit, you are just that…HOLY/WHOLLY.

Wow, what a life. Do you wish/desire to change something in your life? If so, you must first change it within your mind…you must first see it in your consciousness before it will manifest in the physical. Are you willing to change your ways of thinking? Are you willing to have uncomfortable conversations with yourself and your Loved ones? Are you willing to exit your small mind in order to enter the kingdom of The Divine Mind?


Liberation for ALL peoples of all creeds, sexual orientation, language, religion, geographic location, etc.


I Love you all with the entirety of all that is within…GOD!

With all my Love,

Rachael Rose

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