Wrapped in your arms…

“With your arms around me, I am engulphed in your Love, this Presence of utter bliss, peace, and reckless Love.”

Welcome Family! All of you is welcomed here, all that you are in this moment, and beyond.

The Real essence of your being is here even if you feel you are at a stage of awareness that seemingly doesn’t align with where we desire to be.

God is the safest place to let it all go…

The air is thick, the lump in your throat feels like the size of a watermelon, and parts of you feel numb yet you feel everything so deeply.

You are not alone. Resonations of loneliness may occur, but I assure you you are never ever alone.

One of the most beautiful and majestic aspects of life is that we are all on our own unique path which is being guided by the most intelligent and creative director of all time.

There is no one formula for happiness, joy, or fulfillment…however there is ONE Love to ensure it remains Present in your life. And that is the ONE which is know by many as many different names. Whatever one chooses to call God, Source, Consciousness, Divine, Spirit, Rah, Jehovah, Christ, Buddha, etc, is not relevant to the communion one has with this Presence in the heart and soul.

God is the safest place to let it all go…

With your arms around me, fear was no match for your Love. Your reckless, relentless, extravagant, chase me down, follow me everywhere I go type of Love! God has given us choice, the power to choose a relationship with Its Presence. The way we live a life of ease, joy, peace, and fulfillment is to acknowledge Its Presence in everything and everyone.

Now, I understand this to be difficult, challenging, and in certain moments seemingly impossible. However, I am here to remind you we are not turning to a human being, we are turning within to the Source of ALL creation, the ONE Power and Presence that has created intelligence out of Its own Intelligence.

Let this Presence Love it all away…all of your fears, anxieties, depression, suicidal thoughts, worries, doubts, etc.

Surrender to this Presence, it is right here, right NOW in this Present moment Presenting Itself to you, open wide and receive this Love.

I Love you.

Unending Love,

Rachael Rose

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